Resilience generally means the ability to recover from shock or disturbance or the ability of a system to recover from a catastrophic failure.
Emergence Response Planning (ERP):
This refers to helping people in crisis and saving lives during period of disaster or natural calamities. ERP role is to enhance rural people resilience and restore local conditions or livelihoods conditions through rehabilitation programmes after disaster.
Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR):
Community participation in disaster risk reduction (Community Based Disaster Management) is considered a pivotal element in disaster management and disaster resilience in communities and ensures sustainable development. Elements of DRR includes: Peoples’ participation, priority for the most vulnerable groups, families and people in the community and reduction of vulnerabilities by strengthening capacities and building Disaster Resilient Communities. The process of DRR includes: Initiating Process, Community Profiling, Community Risk Assessment, Formulation of Disaster Risk Reduction Plan, Formation of Community Disaster Response Organization ,and Monitoring and Evaluation.