Technical Member of Governing Board
Prak Pin is a Technical Development Project Manager with Engineer Without Borders Australia-EWB. He has more than twenty years’ experience working with INGOs and local NGOs on projects implementation and lead the team for projects implementation in Disaster Risk Reduction and Water Sanitation and Hygiene Projects with local and international NGOs with Khmer Women Welfare Action (KWWA), Khmer Association For Development Of Countryside (KAFDOC), Oxfam Australia (OAU) and Oxfam Great Britain (OGB) as Program Officer, PyD as Technical Officer on Social and Economic, Health Poverty Action-HPA as Team Leader and CARE as Senior Project Officer.
His main roles of these positions in coordination with technical relevant stake holders and authorities from community to province level such as Provincial Committee Disaster Management-PCDM, Provincial Health Department-PHD, Provincial Department of Rural Development, Provincial Department of Education and Sport-PDoES, and working closely with counterpart parts from those departments to implementing the project activities. He also have experience working with partners on coordination, leading mentor for project activities implementation.
He has gained a lot of experience in leaded the team and counterparts to implement the projects. He also has experience on day-to-day project implementation activities, project planning, budgeting, and daily follow up/monitoring, Monthly, Quarterly, Annual and final report and develop report for authorities, donors.