Forests and Livelihood Organization (FLO) has been strenthening the capacity of locals in Northeast Cambodia on sustainable forest management, legal right to resources and to improve their livelihood.
One of such initiated projects is the Pakle Community Forestry (PCF) in Pakle villlage,Rolus commune, Sambo district of Kratie province.
PCF was established in 2011 to boost biodeversity conservation, sustainable development and forest preservation. It occupies 1940 hectares of land with 182 households, 573 inhabitants (292 males, 281 female).
FLO intends to address and rectify the issue of forest-dependent comunities’ and the Indigeneuos Peoples’(IP) rights, livelihoods and well-being
To facilitate the empowerment of communities to participate in decision making on land use and development, by the Forestry Administration (FA) and Community Partners has set up a structure such as a Community Forestry Commission Adaptation and Protection of Forest Resources to foster community engagement.

In an interview with Mr.Oum Ea, president of Rolous Commune Council, he said ,“the community forest is a forest area that benefits many people in Rolous commune. We depend on the forest for our survival; from the food we eat to the air we breathe. Besides providing livelihood for us and habitat for animals, it also offers plant-based forest products and timber for building and construction. In as much as the Forest Admnistration, FLO and other stakeholders are promoting Rolus Community Forest, we the local communities have a great responsibility to protect, manage and utilize the forest in a sustainable manner.”

Oum Ea, president of Rolous Commune Council, said “Let everyone join together and protect the forest for everyone and educate the next generation of children to love forests. Do not hunt animals and go to deforestation that is not legally binding and will have to cooperate with the authorities such as the Forestry Administration, the administrative police and the natural resources that we strive to maintain for a sustainable path for generations. Know the mattress and help protect the forest.”
According to Mr. Hor Sophea, a Community Facilitator for Forests and Livelihood Organization (FLO), “the local community depends on the forest resources to maintain and improve their living standards and to meet their cultural demands”. He congratulated the Pakle Community Forestry Management Committee CFMC for their planning and participation in the monthly Forest patrolling activities. FLO promised continued support to PCF.
He emphasized on practical, simple, realistic, independent and participatory approaches to be taken by various stake holder in Community Forestry and to consider the needs of the locals.
By George F. Afful