From Farmer to Community Leader: Vic Sovanna’s Transformation
Mr. Vic Sovanna, a 39-year-old Kraol man from Rovieng Village, Sre Chich Commune, Kratie Province, has experienced a remarkable transformation. Married with two children, he was once a humble farmer and cattle raiser, known for his mild temperament and lack of self-confidence.
In 2022, Vic Sovanna and his community were introduced to a biodiversity-conservation and alternative livelihoods project led by FLO and WWF, and supported by the Belgian Government (DGD).
Vic Sovanna was soon elected Deputy Managing Director of Sakak Community Forestry and committee member of the Vieng Village Cattle Community. He took on responsibilities for cattle raising techniques and marketing.
Participating in various training courses and workshops provided by FLO, Vic Sovanna learned about new cattle-raising techniques, facilitation skills, income and expense recording, reporting, and using the Smart system for community forest patrol data. These experiences transformed him into a confident and respected leader.
Today, Vic Sovanna leads forest patrols and guides a thriving cattle-raising community. His newfound courage and leadership have made him a source of inspiration and pride for the village chief, his family, and the community. Vic Sovanna’s journey from a timid farmer to a community leader showcases the power of support and education in driving positive change.